Is sugar that bad?

Should we increase our fiber intake?

Hi, I hope everything had a great weekend! I recently came across this great article on fibers titled: ** Stopping or reducing dietary fiber intake reduces constipation and its associated symptoms. What researchers demonstrate is that lower the intake of fiber alleviates constipation and its associated symptoms. Forget Metamucil. Instead increase your intake of fruits […]

My final thoughts on the thyroid

Over the last few weeks, I have received multiple questions and requests following my articles on the thyroid and what to do about it. Here’s my final thoughts on this. We have learned that factors like chlorine (or other toxins), gluten, and infectious agents (like virus, yeast/fungi, parasites) trigger thyroid issues like hypo/hyper, Hashimoto’s, Grave’s […]

Whole wheat: friend or foe?

Virtually on a daily basis, I am asked by patients if whole wheat is better than wheat. Here’s my thoughts on this question: First, wheat and grains in general are in fact a large supply of starch. This starch decomposes into sugar in the intestines in a 2-phase process. Thus, they are very hard to […]

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