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Do you know the real cause of your medical condition?

Sophie met with Doctor Serge because she was struggling with weight gain, lethargy, insomnia, and chronic pain. At that time, she was taking about 12 prescriptions for a variety of health problems. The testing identified food allergies and chlorine poisoning from decades of swimming.

 A year later, she is pain free, her sleep is deep and restful and she is 100 lbs lighter. More importantly, she was off all the medication except Armour for her thyroid… and working on that.
Our tests are very reliable to identify the real causes of symptoms. In the office, the most frequent symptoms we see are: fatigue, constipation, weight gain ( or the inability to lose weight), insomnia, inflammation and depression.  However, all our patients have different origins for their medical issues.
Knowing the cause help you find the motivation to change and we’ll support you every step of the way…

Chick-Fil-A night? Gluten free, low carb chicken fingers

Can you believe something can taste better than Chick-Fil-A  and be healthy at the same time?

I do not expect you to believe.  I expect you to TRY!

We all like the crunchiness of chicken fingers…. but it’s usually made of flour, unhealthy oil and other unpronounceable ingredients. This recipe has 3 ingredients.. well 4 with the chicken.


  • 2 packages of organic chicken
  • 3 eggs
  • Your favorite spices ( I like chili spices or indian spices ( garam masala)
  • 1 medium bag of pork skin ( chicharones or cracklins )
 Use a food processor to crush the pork skin or use your hands and smash the bag ( don’t forgot to make a small hole to let the air out if you don’t want the explosion)
Mix spices with the crushed pork skin
Use two bowls: one for the blended eggs and one for the pork skin mix
Dip uncooked chicken pieces ( shaped like nuggets or fingers) into the egg blend then in the pork skin mixture
Place on a cookie sheet and cook in the over ( 425 degrees) for about 20 minutes
Enjoy with some spicy homemade mayonnaise
Feed a family of 4

Will my intolerance go away?

It depends how serious you are about getting rid of it but the answer is YES!

I once had a case of unexplained leg pain, insomnia and digestive issues.  She met with the best pain specialists,  took all kind of pain medication. Nothing worked. As her last resort, she came to see us.

We identified a soy and wheat sensitivities as well as pesticides poisoning from years of gardening. We cleaned her diet and gave her supplements to get rid of toxins in her body . After a few months,  she was feeling better but not 100% well which did not make sense. We went over the data we collected since the beginning and analyzed her diet and lifestyle. We found out that her leg pain started right after she bought this very expensive blanket with a unique fabric from Italy. We tested her and her body was reactive to the blanket. Because she spent a lot of money on it, she did not want to get rid of it. We had to find a solution. We actually eliminated her sensitivity to the fabric using Accelerated Allergy Clearing Technique (AACT)  and her leg pain completely disappear in a few sessions.

Our patients usually met with a conventional health specialist before they meet with us.  When we assess them, they already tried several things in vain.

Being able to help them is a giving and this kind of stories are our daily motivation…

Are you plateauing?

weightloss15__alt_iconsCarolyn came for weight loss, fatigue, insomnia, allergies and overall ache. She struggled her whole life with weight and she claimed that she had done everything to help her and nothing ever happened.  After following our customized program, she started losing weight but after several months into the program, She plateaued. We performed several tests but they all came back negative. Finally, we decided to look at her diet and identified what was the real issue. We found out that she was eating about 10-12 cucumbers a day in her juices/smoothies and unfortunately her body developed a sensitivity to it and was preventing her from  losing weight. We recommended her to stop eating/drinking it and she started losing weight again.

Cucumbers? Really?

Our body can develop an intolerance to anything.  This could be your food, mold in your environment or even substances in your mattress.

There are so many diets out there claiming to be THE BEST weight loss program!  And this is probably true. They all work to some extent.
The truth is, there’s no one-fit-all diet.  That’s why you may fail where someone else succeed.

We’ve seen a patient with inflammatory bowel disease caused by the garlic supplement she was taking ( to be in better health) or a lady who decided to replace cow’s milk with soy milk with disastrous results.

Changing your diet is like joining a gym. You may need help making sure your are not worsening your condition.

And this is what we do…

Spectracell Laboratories

SpectraCell is the leader in nutritional testing. We are partnering with them to offer the most advanced tests to our patients.

SpectraCell utilizes the most advanced technology, provides the highest quality service, and understands that the ultimate responsibility is patient care. Through its dedication to research and development, SpectraCell also provides innovative diagnostic analysis in the emerging fields of anti-aging medicine and genetic testing.

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Nutrition is at the core of integrative health and SpectraCell’s Micronutrient Testing is the most advanced diagnostic tool available.

Micronutrient testing measure how micronutrients are actually functioning within our patients’ white blood cells. These tests allow nutritional assessment of our patients for a broad variety of clinical conditions, general wellness and the prevention of chronic diseases including arthritis, cancer, cardiovascular risk, diabetes, various immunological disorders and metabolic disorders.

SpectraCell Laboratories offers comprehensive male and female hormone panels that reveal the overall state of hormonal balance in a patient. Like nutrients, hormones influence all aspects of health and disease – mood, sleep, metabolism, immunity, heart health and appearance. An imbalance of one hormone can initiate cascade of events that alters other hormones, so a comprehensive look at hormone status is key.

Thyroid hormones directly regulate every cell in our body as most basic functions like metabolism, emotions and thinking. We also test several proteins that affect thyroid function as well as antibodies to thyroid which can detect autoimmunity (when the immune system attacks healthy tissue) and your levels of cortisol, the stress hormone.


Click here to see a report sample   spectra