Signs That You Are B12 Deficient…

Signs That You Are B12 Deficient…

In a world where there is food available on almost every corner, vitamin deficiency is still a major factor of poor health in developed countries. While some say changes in our soil are to blame for nutrient deficiencies, there are many reasons why in a country where people eat too much, they still fall short […]

Do You Have Antibiotics in Your Food?

There are more antibiotics in your food than you realize. What’s worse, many strains of these antibiotics only have limited research of their effects on human health. It’s long overdue that North Americans take a good hard look at the widespread use of antibiotic drugs in farming. Conventional farming administers antibiotics to both individual animals […]

The Truth About Birth Control Pills

ACCORDING TO A LOT OF DOCTORS: Got acne? Take the pill. Got PMS? Take the pill. Got irregular cycles? Take the pill. Don’t want to get pregnant? Take the pill.   BUT WAIT A SECOND—SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT.   Why not instead: Address the gut for inflammation, digestive weakness, and food allergies for acne? Address […]

How to treat Lyme Disease naturally

Lyme disease is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi and is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected blacklegged ticks (1). Very recently, this infection has also been shown to be transmitted by mosquito bites and fleas (2, 3). This would explain the rapid increase of Lyme disease across the country.   Typical symptoms include fever, headache, fatigue, and a […]

5 Golden Rules of Insomnia

Insomnia is a condition in which you have trouble falling or staying asleep. Some people with insomnia may fall asleep easily but wake up too soon. Other people may have the opposite problem, or they have trouble with both falling asleep and staying asleep. The end result is poor-quality sleep that doesn’t leave you feeling […]

Antifungal Herbs that Destroy the Fungus Candida!

If you have nail fungus infections (like toenail fungus), strong sugar cravings, major seasonal allergies, recurrent vaginal infections, mood swings (irritability, anxiety, depression), skin rashes, brain fog, fatigue, GI problems among other issues, you may have a problem with Candida or other related fungi. Sugar feeds the yeast and worsens your symptoms so the first […]

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